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Wall Pilates Era: The truth behind the trendy Wall Pilates craze!

The miracle of “Wall Pilates” has been sweeping the internet for quite some time now.

I’m sure you’ve seen the various apps, the videos, the crazy transformations in only “28-days”.It seems so simple, so effective and absolutely magical to think and believe that simple exercises against the wall can tone and change your body in a short amount of time…

So- what’s the catch?

Well, the catch is that there really is no magic (disappointing I know!)Let’s not forget to add that the gorgeous images of flawless aesthetics you’re being sold are not at all truthful. Those models may DO Wall Pilates, but there is far more to their workout routines than 15-minutes at the wall.

However, there are some incredible positives to using a wall for exercise or as a prop/tool during a workout.

Let’s simplify it!

Why the wall?

The first point is that you are extremely likely to already have a wall, readily available to be used! This means no extra cost or effort in buying equipment or joining a gym. And, you’re likely to be able to access a wall no matter where you are, making it a great travel workout hack!

Okay, but still, why the wall?

The wall acts as a supporting surface that allows you to adjust gravitational pull and therefore create resistance Meaning- it helps you make some movements more comfortable, and it helps you make some movements more challenging.

The top two examples are the Push Up and the Glute Bridge.

Performing a Push up on the floor requires a strong core and upper body. It is demanding on the wrists and shoulders and can be seen as inaccessible if you are unable to easily move to the floor and back up.

However, against a wall you are in a better position for the wrists. You control the load on your upper body and core by deciding the angle of the body. And of course, it’s performed standing up. So, the wall makes this movement EASIER. And more accessible- which is important!

Alternatively, the wall makes a movement like the Glute Bridge MORE challenging.

By placing your feet against a wall, instead of the traditional floor placement, you are adding height, gravity and range. Suddenly, the hips are travelling further up, the legs are needing to work harder for longer and you are experiencing a more satisfying “workout” sensation.


So-the wall is making the simple glute bridge MORE challenging without having to add a weight or resistance band.

A few more wall-specific pros!

-          The wall is stable (hopefully) which means you can use the wall more balance, you can safely push against it to add energy into a movement, and you can lean against it.

-          You will always have a wall, and it will allow you to discover alternative versions of your existing repertoire.

-          As mentioned above, a wall is easy to find, in almost all locations and totally free!


Simple conclusion?

Yes wall Pilates is worth the hype. But there is no magic, nothing new. Just the basics, but against a wall!


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